Thursday, July 17, 2008

Snapshots From Readers

Yes, we know the 1990's have ended...but plaid shirts are far from over. Now don't get us wrong here...grunge isn't really what we mean. Chinx from the Philippines shows us how to take a plaid shirt and make it look adorable. Thanks so much for sending in your look Chinx!!!

top- from a store in Japan (her cousin got it for her)
bag- Gucci (from her mom)
plaid polo & sneakers- from her mom
red sunglasses- Wayfarers
bangles- unknown

Do you think you have a great fashion look that you want to share...send in your pictures to:
Please include your name, city/state (or country if you are from outside of the U.S.), and the stores where you got your great look.

*We cannot promise that all photos sent in will be featured on the Snapshot Fashion website.

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