Thursday, October 16, 2008

Snapshots From Readers

Today we're featuring this trendy yet casual look sent in from Yuka who lives in Japan. She adds some cute accessories and color to her rather basic outfit, which makes it look so very hip. Thanks so much for sending in your look Yuka!

Knit dress- Banner Barret T (from Japan)
Glossy leggings- no brand
Scarf- Topshop
Bangle- Shopbop
Shoes- Steve madden

Do you have a great look that you want to share with us? Send in your pictures to:
Please make sure to include your name, city/state (or country if you are from outside of the U.S.), and the stores where you got your great look.

*We cannot promise that all photos sent in will be featured on the Snapshot Fashion website.

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