Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snapshots From Readers

Today we're featuring this adorable look sent in by Maki from Manila, Philippines. This outfit is perfect for a cocktail party, first date, or a night out dancing with your friends. We just love how she adds a splash of color (her clutch) to this look. Thanks so much for sending in your look Maki!!!

Dress: Jonathan Sanders for Target
Tights: SM Dept Store
Slingbacks: YK
Clutch: a gift from a friend
Headband: 168

Do you have a great look that you want to share with us? Send in your pictures to:

Please make sure to include your name, city/state (or country if you are from outside of the U.S.), and the stores where you got your great look.

*We cannot promise that all photos sent in will be featured on the Snapshot Fashion website

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