Saturday, January 23, 2010

*Anthropologie Has My Heart*

While I was scrolling through the pages of Anthropologie's website I had to take some extra time to browse my favorite section...DRESSES. Now you have to understand, I always love Anthropologie's dresses...always so beautiful in color and design. But my little secret is...I don't own any frocks from there. Not a one. I just love looking at them. To be honest they are just a little out of my price range. The few expensive dresses I have (and yes, I do have a couple that were quite pricey...even a few designer duds) I didn't pay full price for. Some I got super cheap...and some even for free (thank-you Gilt). But needless to say, currently I can't be throwing $200-$300 around on a bright and bold dress that I will only wear a couple of times. But there is no harm in looking, right?

Here are my current lusts---

Lotus Awakening Dress- I love the shape of this one. Kinda reminds me of the Jetsons. That cartoon was always a favorite of mine.

Woven Chroma Dress- The colors in this dress couldn't be more bold. So fun and summery!

Ablaze Dress- This frock is perfect for the office. Pair it with a bold cardigan and some heels...and you'll look like one stylish professional.

Longing-For-Yellow Dress- Okay, so the price tag on this one is a bit more affordable...and in my mind it is the look of it is PERFECTION. I have a few weddings to go to this spring/summer and this dress would be perfect to wear to them, don't you think? I just might have to get it!!!

What is your favorite dress at Anthropologie? Check out their entire dress collection here.


  1. I'm kind of in love with the Wright Dress myself - the print is absolutely adorable!! :)

  2. I like the grown-up feel of the Fifth Form Shift, the In-a-Moment in Dark Purple and the Skyfall Dress. I agree, though, who can afford them?!

  3. I adore Anthropologie! I wish they'd open up one here in Hawaii.. and I agree on the prices.. but I own a few. I got them all on sale. I think the most I spent on one was $54??

    Love & Aloha,

  4. I heart Anthropologie!! Would love to get my hands on "On the fold" dress!

  5. yeah i mean i don't mind spending money on key pieces...but when they are so bright and bold to me that seems kinda trendy and just not worth the $$$

    i'll search the sale racks...

  6. I love that red dress!! So cute!!

  7. oh my god how gorgeous are those dresses? i can't just pick one...i'm going to be greedy and say i want them all :D
