Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fashion Icon of the Week

"Any character, you leave behind, because I just love feeling like me. I can't explain it, I just have felt, going through adolescence, you play versions of yourself and you're always afraid to be yourself. Well, I was, anyway, for fear of being mocked, criticized, or rejected. So I just love being me."

~Thandie Newton



  1. This makes me love her even more. I've always been a fan of her beauty and her choice of roles.

  2. Oh PS: do you remember her from a little movie called Flirting with Nicole Kidman where Thandie played the only black girl in an Aussie boarding school in the 60s? Loved that movie so much!!! I have to watch it again.

  3. i love her too!
    i've actually never seen that movie. i'll have to add it on my netflix!

  4. she is such a stunning lady. great pick for fashion icon of the week. love her simple and sophisticated style :)
