Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 10 Makeup Looks of 2011

I'll be honest with you...I'm not the best at doing my makeup. Over the last few years I have definitely improved my makeup application abilities. I think that this is probably because I have been so inspired by so many celebrities and other bloggers out there. Here are my TOP TEN favorite looks of 2011---

10) Gwen Stefani

9) Amanda Seyfried

8) Nubia

7) Zoe Saldana

6) Zooey Deschanel

5) Lauren Conrad

4) Taylor Swift

3) Rooney Mara

1) Freida Pinto

Do you agree with those that made it on my list? Who would be on your list???


  1. Great list! I am just like you, Diane. My make-up skills were sorely lacking and now are getting better. I've been watching make-up tutorials on youtube (Kandee Johnson is my current fav) and they are sooo helpful even if you don't have, or want to put on, all the make-up the youtube gurus do.
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday!!!

  2. Amanda Seyfried's makeup always looks incredible. I think I would have to add Kristen Stewart and Olivia Wilde to the list. Their makeup is beautiful! :)

  3. Aww you featured my friend Nubia :) Always love Gwen's looks!

  4. kimberlee- i met nubia a few times...she's too sweet!
