Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lookin' Fab

I know a lot of you are going to hate me for saying this...but typically I can't stand Rihanna's style. I feel that often she just looks too tough that it's harsh. She's such a pretty girl that I wish she'd play up her femininity more. So when I saw her wearing this lace Tom Ford dress while celebrating the New Year in Miami I was so delighted! She looks so fantastic here, doesn't she? It's a little sexy, yet she looks very lady-like.

What do you think of this dress on Rihanna?



  1. i completely agree with you.....im not a fan of the stuff RiRi wears...she looks confused half the time

    i like the dress and the shoes here...but her hair needs to be explained

  2. They talked about this look on "Fashion Police" and they pointed out that you could see her nipple ring. I think you're going to go that sheer then be edgier. But this dress is so lady like looking that seeing a nipple seems inappropriate.

  3. kimberlee- omg i totally didn't notice that at all! yikes! i guess i didn't look at it that closely. haha!
