Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me...

Today isn't only the first day of spring...it's my birthday. I miss the days when I looked forward to turning another year older. Nowadays when I hear happy birthday I seem to do the old eye roll and say it's just another day.

I did have a nice weekend though. On Sunday we went to my parents' house and my brothers' family came over. My mom made this YUMMY lemon cake. Delicious!

This coming weekend my husband and I are flying down to Raleigh, NC to visit my friend who is my birthday twin. Happy birthday Kelleny!!! Here's to 31!


  1. Ooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Diane! I hope you had a wonderful time in Raleigh with your birthday twin!
    I know Cath and I do the eye-rolly thing too (going on 29 in July).

  2. thanks girls! had an okay birthday...but no biggie. just waiting for this weekend to get here so we can head on south to NC! i'm in need of a getaway.

    lar- not all of us are lucky enough to have a real twin...my birthday twin is as close as i can get. haha!

  3. happy belated birthday!!! i still get excited for mine, but not because i'm older, just because birthdays are fun! that cake looks absolutely amazing!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

    P.S. What did you end up wearing to that magazine party we talked about during the Oscars?

  5. happy birthday! hope you had a good one xx

