Sunday, April 7, 2013

Peplum in Paradise

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend! I have to say, mine has been quite fantastic...and half of the reason has to be the weather. It has been absolutely gorgeous here in NYC. If it were about 10-15 degrees warmer it would be perfect! HELLO SPRINGTIME!

Yesterday we went for brunch in Williamsburg, Brooklyn where I had the most amazing French toast (probably the best of my life!). If you are ever in the area stop by Walter Foods and try the stuffed French can thank me later.  :-)

dress- Elle
tights- a gift
necklace- H&M
coat- Silence + Noise

This morning we opted to wander around Central Park (which is where these photos are from). I have to say, living on the Upper East Side isn't my favorite neighborhood...but living within walking distance to the park makes it all worth it! We love wandering around Central Park when the weather is nice. My dog loves it too! All we have to say is, "Rocko, do you want to go to the park?" and he runs to get his harness on. Silly guy!

After living in NYC for countless years and going to Central Park more times than I can count, it's really amazing that every time I go there I wander upon a spot that is new to me. It really is quite refreshing.


  1. aww... that peplum dress is super cute on you! I love it.

    Your blog is great! Wanna follow each other? Let me know so I can follow you back, dear :)


  2. Peplum is one of my favorite trends - it's such a cute dress, and your dog is so adorable!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. Diane, you look gorgeous! I love the bright hues you wear, it totally inspires me to get out of my gray rut (I dress to match Scotland :)).
    Your NYC life sounds dreamy! So glad you (and Rocko) are near the park!

  4. thanks everyone!

    Lar- so funny you say that i wear bright hues...and i guess i have in the last few posts. you should see how much black i have in my wardrobe. it's ridiculous! but i think springtime and nice weather is making me want to dress bright and bold!

  5. It's funny to think how many people were in Central Park at the same time and then realizing some of us know each other through blogging! :)
