Saturday, October 5, 2013

Something Old, Something New

Do you have that one item in your closet that you cannot live without? For me it is this BDG cardigan that I picked up at Urban Outfitters a few years ago. I wear it all the time. You have seen it on this blog plenty of times. I wear it so much that it is even starting to get holes on it (which makes me so sad!). I love it because it is rather light, comfy, and black. Perfection in my mind!

top- H&M
sweater- BDG

Don't be fooled by the fact that I'm wearing a cardigan and has been so warm here in NYC today all week. I hate this weather. It's in the upper 70s/low 80s! I personally love fall. It's my absolute favorite season. Makes me so sad that we'll probably have a few good weeks where it is in the 50s/60s before it gets freezing cold. UGH! 

Oh yeah...and the reason I'm dressed like this is because we had our air conditioner blasting (my husband was hot and I was cold, as usual!).

What is your favorite item in your closet? What do you wear way too often and just can't live without???


  1. You look so gorgeous with that dark hair and pink lipstick! Great top too! Love the skulls!

  2. thanks kristen. the lipstick is actually red...but i guess it does look rather pink here. and i'm still torn about my hair. i think it's too dark. but, i'm SLOWLY getting to like it more and more every day...slowly...

  3. I love your AC layers, Diane and hope NYC cools down for you!
    It's so funny you mention your black cardi because Cath had one exactly like it that she loved, loved, loved, but just found out it was eaten by their golden doodle!
    I'm so excited you guys will get to meet up in a few days! So awesome!
    xoxox, Lar

  4. Lar- yeah i saw that photo of the eaten sweater/dogshaming Wheatie on her instagram. it made me laugh so hard!

    i hope it cools down too! we are suppose to get a LOT of rain (expecially monday afternoon into tuesday) i hope cath packed rain gear!

  5. My favorite item - or at least the one I wear all the time - is a black cardi too! Unfortunately, Wheatie chewed part of it a few weeks ago and I'm still looking for a replacement. Of course I have other black sweaters, but nothing with the same fit - argh!

    I'm sick of the warm weather too! It was in the 80s this past weekend, but it's supposed to be getting cooler. How am I supposed to enjoy Pumpkin Spiced Lattes when it feels like summer outside?!? ;)

    xoxo, Cath
