Tuesday, March 17, 2015

New Orleans Babydoll

So this past weekend Chris and I went on a little mini-getaway to New Orleans. Neither of us had ever been there, so this was a fun little adventure for the both of us. 

We spent the extra long weekend walking around the town, snapping photos of the amazing architecture, looking at art, and eating beignets at Cafe Du Monde ( yes, they really were all they were cracked up to be). They were definitely not on the endo diet I have been on...but I couldn't resist!

dress: Esley/ballet flats: H&M/bracelets: vintage

I'm sure if you look closely in these photos you can see my goosebumps. Don't get me wrong, it was a pretty decent weekend (and way warmer and dryer than NYC's weather)...but this day it did not get quite as warm as what they were calling for. As soon as we ate our beignets and drank our cafe au laits we went back to the hotel so I could grab my coat, tights, and booties. I'm such a wimp!

I love this new dress I picked up at one of the best boutiques in my neighborhood called Pema New York. Don't you just love the little snowflake design? It's my new favorite babydoll dress in my closet.

The architecture was so pretty. Around every street corner there was an even prettier house and more ornate iron work on the balconies. So lovely.


  1. I'm so glad you guys had such a glorious time in NOLA. And I totally think beignets is a call for an exception on the Endo diet. I usually try to relax things when I travel just so I don't feel too hemmed in by it. Hence the stroopwafels in Amsterdam ;D

    Luurve your dress and very impressed you went out even part of the day with bare legs and arms!


  2. Lar- yes it was so great to get away for a little while. Right now I'm DREAMING of warmer weather. It was a shock to the system to come back to chilly NYC temps. We're suppose to get snow tomorrow...and on the first day of spring. UGH! I'm so over it.
