Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fashionable Friends

I'm always on the look out for new blogs to follow. I thought it would be fun to feature some of my favorite posts from this week from some of my favorite bloggers. Be sure to check them out---

*Check out the amazing lace inspired accessories on Dream Sequins.

*Be sure to stop by Cafe Fashionista for your chance to enter to win a Hana Elite Flat Iron from Misikko.

*Boater hats are all the rage. See how Cath from Asian Cajuns and A Thought Is The Blossom both style this look. P.S. they both look amazing!

*Fell 4 Fashion has her Easter look posted. Can we say adorable???

*The Ridiculous Look of the Week on Struggles of a Creative Mind has me laughing. Oh that Snooki...


  1. Oh, I'm in love with boater hats! I'm aching for one of my own:)


  2. I tried finding a boater hat today. Failed. Well, I did find one, but it had an elastic strap on it.. you know, like a birthday hat. I'm gonna check a couple hat stores tomorrow. Hoping for success! :)

    xx Love & Aloha
