Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fashionable Friends

Check out what some of my fashionable friends have been writing about this past week---

*Cupcakes and Cashmere shares the must have shoe of the moment: wooden platforms.

*Military jacket + lace dress = fabulous look on Beneath The Crystal Stars.

*I am Style-ish shows us that one-piece bathing suits are just as cute as bikinis.

*Total puppy cuteness on elisharon.

*Asian Cajuns turn 3.

*Kendi Everyday has fun in the rain.



  1. That post from Emily over at Cupcakes and Cashmere is so incredible. I want each and every pair of those shoes!! :)

  2. Awwww thanks Diane!! :) Pooma got a haircut today and a new dress. Her purple ears are almost gone.. I'm thinking we'll go back to pink again! I need to post a picture of her soon!

    xx Love & Aloha

    **Stop by to enter my ~Une Very Stylish Fille Giveaway~**

  3. thanks for the link love darling! Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. Fantastic links! Thank you so much for featuring lil ole me as well:)

