Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's a New Year Full of Resolutions

This year my New Year's Eve started out pretty well. I put on a great gold lace dress, threw some pink Hypercolor streaks in my hair, and a faux fur jacket. No parties planned, no huge celebrations...but my husband and I went out for an amazing Thai dinner around the corner from our apartment. We are still exploring our neighborhood in NYC and we came across quite a gem for dinner, Spice. Dinner was fantastic...and we ate Then we decided to just come home and spend some time with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin...because celebrating NYE without them would just be bad luck or something. While I was watching I realized that my dog and husband were nowhere to be found. They were in bed...sleeping! So I woke them up like 15 minutes before the clock struck midnight. I guess we're getting a little too old for staying up late. And to think we even napped! *sigh*

What did you do to celebrate? Did you go out to a party or stay in for a low key celebration?

This year I made a handful of resolutions for myself...

1) Network and be social. I feel like this is super important this year. I just moved back to NYC, and a lot of my friends that I had here have moved away. So I really want to meet some new people and network to grow Snapshot Fashion and my photography business.

2) Get off my butt and lose some weight. Yes, I know I'm not overweight or anything...but I am for me. I'm extremely out of shape, and since I do have a heart condition I want to be more healthy and in shape. The last two years I haven't done much as far as exercise in concerned...and my waistline can prove it.

3) Use my degrees. I have my B.A. in art history, and my M.A. in museum professions (with a concentration in museum education) and I would love to finally put this education to use. I definitely would love to try to get a gallery/museum job!

Did you make any resolutions???

I hope everyone had a fantastic New Year's Eve and here's to a great 2013!



  1. I LOVE Spice - it's definitely a good one! I'm a big fan of low-key NYE celebrations - though mine was exactly the opposite this year, and included way too much drinking, dancing, and my man and I deciding to leave our friends and walk back to the hotel alone. Oops!
    Great resolutions - they're definitely doable and important :) I really want to focus on not letting people get to me this year - I had some negative people in my life and they were bringing me down, but because I was letting them. So I need work on letting things go and not taking everything to heart! :)

  2. sounds like you had a great nye allison! :)
    your resolution is great. i too have had negative people in my past and you really need to just let things go and move on. the drama and frustration just isn't worth it!
    happy 2013!!!

  3. Sounds really good!
    Happy new year!


  4. Nice! Happy, Happy New Year to you<3

    ox from NYC!


  5. Happy new year 2013 :-) Lovely post! smack!

  6. love the photo with this post - and welcome back to NYC! Isn't it the best place in the world? :-)

  7. Aw that would be awesome if you got a museum/gallery job! Hope we can meet up now that you're in NYC :)

  8. yes kimberlee! i would love to meet up sometime! :)

  9. Diane, I had no idea you were an art history major too! Before graphic design entered my brain, I really wanted to go to NYU for a phD in art history/museum studies.
    I so hope all your resolutions happen this year!
