"I’m just a normal girl who is comfortable with who she is. I don’t believe in changing yourself for anybody and I think it’s really important for girls to be as comfortable with themselves as possible. Sometimes I look at what really young girls wear and I can’t believe it- I have underwear that covers more than what some of them have on! I think it’s important that girls know they can be attractive and sexy in a classy way and that guys actually like that more than when they see girls who show a lot of skin. For me, I like clothes and I like to wear them to cover up."
-Lauren Conrad
Fabulous pic and quote! I love her style and her HAIR!
the quote is too true.
Now there's a sentiment I can support!
I really like Lauren Conrad's style.
A very refreshing comment! Honestly I don't think I've thought much about her fashion before, but I definitely will now!
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